Transparent Fault Tolerance Support in Model-Based Design

Ivan Cibrario Bertolotti, Tingting Hu and Nicolas Navet

Presentation title

Transparent Fault Tolerance Support in Model-Based Design


Ivan Cibrario Bertolotti, Tingting Hu and Nicolas Navet


IEIIT - National Research Council, University of Luxembourg - FSTC

Presentation type

Technical presentation


The presentation reports about the ongoing development of a fault tolerance and fault injection framework, relying on automated code instrumentation for the Cyber-Physical Action Language (CPAL), a new domain-specific language that provides high-level abstractions very well suited to embedded systems with timing and dependability constraints, and for Cyber-Physical Systems at large.

Additional material

  • Presentation slides: [pdf]

  • Warning: Undefined variable $ADDITIONAL_MATERIAL in /var/www/html/iwes/2017/presentations.phtml on line 79

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