An Introduction to SEcube™: A HW/SW Cybersecurity Platform

Giuseppe Airò Farulla, Paolo Prinetto and Antonio Varriale

Presentation title

An Introduction to SEcube™: A HW/SW Cybersecurity Platform


Giuseppe Airò Farulla, Paolo Prinetto and Antonio Varriale


Politecnico di Torino, Blu5 Labs Ltd

Presentation type

Presentation of a research group from one or more scientific institutions


This abstract introduces the SEcube™, an open security platform leveraging on a 3D SiP (System in Package) designed and produced by Blu5 Group, which integrates three key security elements in a single package: a fast floating-point Cortex-M4 CPU, a high-performance FPGA, and an EAL5+ certified Smart Card. Leveraging the SEcube™, we are developing a new security-oriented platform capable of hiding significant complexity behind a set of simple high-level APIs. This platform is released under the open hardware and software philosophy. Thus, developers who are not experts in security can use the API abstraction layer and experience the SEcube™ as a high-security black box; conversely, security experts can verify, change, or write from scratch the entire system, starting from the elementary low-level blocks, and can then share their knowledge with the community.

Additional material

  • Presentation slides: [pdf]

  • Warning: Undefined variable $ADDITIONAL_MATERIAL in /var/www/html/iwes/2017/presentations.phtml on line 79