University of L'Aquila Research Group Introduction

Vittoriano Muttillo, Vincenzo Stoico, Giuseppe Marini and Luigi Pomante

Presentation title

University of L'Aquila Research Group Introduction


Vittoriano Muttillo, Vincenzo Stoico, Giuseppe Marini and Luigi Pomante


University of L'Aquila

Presentation type

Presentation of a research group from one or more scientific institutions


Introduction of the University of L'Aquila research group. The presentation will be held by Vittoriano Muttillo, Ph.D. student in ICT (Curricula in System Engineering, Telecommunications and HW/SW Platforms: Micro and nano electronic devices for embedded systems) at the DEWS Center of Excellence, and DISIM (Department of Information Engineering, Computer Science and Mathematics), Università degli Studi dell’Aquila (Italy).

Additional material

  • Presentation slides: [pdf]

  • Warning: Undefined variable $ADDITIONAL_MATERIAL in /var/www/html/iwes/2017/presentations.phtml on line 79

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